Plots multiple variables from the given mm object in a grid plot with all pairs of variables using mmplot.

mmplot_pairs(mm, variables = NULL, textsize = 5, axis_ticks = TRUE, ...)



(required) A dataframe loaded with mmload.


A vector of 3 or more variable names in mm to plot on each axis. If NULL, the default, then all coverage variables will be plotted as well as GC content. (Default: NULL)


The text size of the axis titles. (Default: 5)


Hide or show axis ticks on both axes. (Default: TRUE)


Arguments passed on to mmplot, eg. color_by, min_length, axis scales and more, see help("mmplot").


A ggplot object. Note that mmgenome2 hides all warnings produced by ggplot objects.


Kasper Skytte Andersen

Soren M. Karst

Mads Albertsen


library(mmgenome2) data(mmgenome2) mmgenome2
#> # A tibble: 97,285 x 13 #> scaffold length gc cov_C13.11.14 cov_C13.11.25 cov_C13.12.03 cov_C14.01.09 #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 8264 57.8 1.44 53.6 0 0.066 #> 2 2 1027 57.0 0.625 24.2 0 0 #> 3 3 1665 55.9 13.5 434. 0.166 0.177 #> 4 4 9056 35.9 0.01 23.4 0 0 #> 5 5 3343 64.0 3.20 16.4 0 0 #> 6 6 98207 39.1 0.00966 24.5 3.29 9.85 #> 7 7 6480 63.0 2.61 19.2 1.46 12.3 #> 8 8 15790 61.7 2.78 21.2 1.62 10.3 #> 9 9 1403 70.4 85.1 192. 0 0 #> 10 10 2018 70.2 50.3 101. 0 0 #> # … with 97,275 more rows, and 6 more variables: PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, #> # PC3 <dbl>, geneID <chr>, taxonomy <fct>, rRNA16S <fct>
mmplot_pairs(mmgenome2, variables = c("cov_C13.11.14", "cov_C13.11.25", "cov_C13.12.03", "cov_C14.01.09"), min_length = 10000, color_by = "taxonomy", x_scale = "log10", y_scale = "log10", x_limits = c(1, NA), y_limits = c(1, NA) )