Writes the DNA sequences of a given set of scaffolds from the assembly to a FASTA file.

  assembly = get("assembly", envir = .GlobalEnv),
  file = "exported_assembly.fa"



(required) Either a vector of scaffold names or a dataframe loaded with mmload containing the scaffolds to extract from the assembly.


(required) The assembly to subset and export. Must be an object of class "DNAStringSet" as loaded with readDNAStringSet. By default any object named "assembly" in the global environment will be used.


The file path and file name of the file to write the sequences to. (Default: "exported_assembly.fa")


Kasper Skytte Andersen ksa@bio.aau.dk

Soren M. Karst smk@bio.aau.dk

Mads Albertsen MadsAlbertsen85@gmail.com


library(mmgenome2) data(mmgenome2) mmgenome2
#> # A tibble: 97,285 x 13 #> scaffold length gc cov_C13.11.14 cov_C13.11.25 cov_C13.12.03 cov_C14.01.09 #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 8264 57.8 1.44 53.6 0 0.066 #> 2 2 1027 57.0 0.625 24.2 0 0 #> 3 3 1665 55.9 13.5 434. 0.166 0.177 #> 4 4 9056 35.9 0.01 23.4 0 0 #> 5 5 3343 64.0 3.20 16.4 0 0 #> 6 6 98207 39.1 0.00966 24.5 3.29 9.85 #> 7 7 6480 63.0 2.61 19.2 1.46 12.3 #> 8 8 15790 61.7 2.78 21.2 1.62 10.3 #> 9 9 1403 70.4 85.1 192. 0 0 #> 10 10 2018 70.2 50.3 101. 0 0 #> # … with 97,275 more rows, and 6 more variables: PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, #> # PC3 <dbl>, geneID <chr>, taxonomy <fct>, rRNA16S <fct>
selection <- data.frame( cov_C13.11.25 = c(7.2, 16.2, 25.2, 23.3, 10.1), cov_C14.01.09 = c(47, 77, 52.8, 29.5, 22.1) ) mmgenome2_extraction <- mmextract(mmgenome2, min_length = 3000, selection = selection, inverse = FALSE )
#> 47 scaffolds (or 1.33% of the scaffolds in mm, weighted by length) remain after 97238 of 97285 scaffolds have been filtered.
#> # A tibble: 47 x 13 #> scaffold length gc cov_C13.11.14 cov_C13.11.25 cov_C13.12.03 cov_C14.01.09 #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 180 22093 74.0 0.298 12.0 7.34 37.9 #> 2 227 190826 65.4 0.348 13.0 6.91 38.5 #> 3 253 296715 70.2 1.06 15.2 7.00 41.1 #> 4 315 218862 71.7 0.366 12.6 7.17 38.8 #> 5 343 27203 57.6 0.235 10.7 5.07 32.0 #> 6 381 6128 67.2 8.11 22.6 5.89 48.7 #> 7 386 164942 68.2 0.359 12.3 6.73 37.2 #> 8 396 7448 72.6 0.329 13.0 7.59 41.0 #> 9 423 100199 68.7 1.40 15.3 6.71 40.0 #> 10 431 446220 72.4 0.409 12.6 6.80 37.9 #> # … with 37 more rows, and 6 more variables: PC1 <dbl>, PC2 <dbl>, PC3 <dbl>, #> # geneID <chr>, taxonomy <fct>, rRNA16S <fct>
if (FALSE) { mmexport(mmgenome2_extraction, assembly = assembly, file = "bins/exported_assembly.fa" ) }